Friday, September 30, 2011

Cogs lately, 3

These art deco cogs are from the main lobby in downtown Chicago where ACM (Associated Colleges of the Midwest) has its offices. I captured these after Friday evening meetings and thought of them Saturday morning when the ACM Vice President invoked pejoratively the expression "cog in the machine" into his opening talk for a day of workshops for us ACM-Mellon postdoctoral fellows. The cog may be pejorative mostly today, but in the era of serious art deco the cog was an object of delight in engineering brighter futures. These cogs are still highly polished and illuminated in the foyer, yet largely repressed when people can pass them daily and wield the pejorative cog in their discourse.
"Cogs lately" is therefore my attempt to display the repressed that hangs out all the time in plain sight.

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